Mar 25 , 2011

The SleekEZ so far...
I am so very blessed to be kinda acquainted with the purchasers of the SleekEZ. How wonderful it is to see people as happy as I am with this brush. I use it daily, year round, and would definitely miss it if it were not in my tack box. Most of all customers I can report have been happy with the product and very supportive of my endeavor. You have no idea how much this means to me, but I hope to express it in blogs to come.
We had our first online sale on February 17, 2011 with many thanks to Fugly Blog. I had no idea that someone whom I had been acquainted with a few years ago was the creator of Fugly Blog. I have read some sassy posts on Fugly over the past couple of years, so I was thrilled to learn that it belonged to this individual. She is one sharp cookie whom has an opinion that is educated and right on target with a little whip snap that I love. Thank you, Cathy!
It has been a little overwhelming as I was expecting to launch in March being that I am from Montana. What I mean is that shedding season there really doesn't start until April, at the earliest. So, with the orders that have come through, I have not slept in over a month, up late, waking in the mornings at a dead run, getting shipping speed up and production going. But, things are going smoother, and I am able to now get a little sleep. I still have not looked at myself in the mirror, and God knows what I might see when I finally can.
There are so many things to share with all how my life has come into full circle. It started way back as a kid and my bond with animals. I believe that this exists for many of us, this magical connection with animals whom were many times the only friends we felt we had in the world.
Does Dr. Doolittle mean anything to any of you??
Happy brushing!