What is the SleekEZ? Â Some sort of miracle grooming aid, perhaps, as claimed by many of its users. Â We've put together a few questions and answers that might help you out in your quest for knowledg...
Read moreJul 04 , 2014
SleekEZ: Extra! Extra! What is it? Get the Facts Here...
Wow! Time flies, doesn't it? However, as I reflect, 2011 was full of so much activity that it seemed like an eon since 2010. It was such an interesting year to so many I know...So many ...
Read moreWe are setting up different shipping options to meet your needs. Presently, we have relied solely on the use of US Priority Mail which has provided instant tracking in many cases, excep...
Read moreWe've had a number of inquiries from retailers and distributors from the UK, France and the USA. We have sold multiple orders to the USA so far. We are not preparing to go the distribut...
Read moreOkay...I'm not kidding around. But, I wanna know. Any creative, practical uses will be considered. I, personally, use the SleekEZ to remove dog hair from my car seats.  ...
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